We value the importance Health and Physical Education (HPE) in every student’s education and beyond as a priority in their every day lives.
HPE provides students with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to help them achieve a degree of autonomy in developing and maintaining their physical, mental, emotional and social health. HPE focuses on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and physical activity in the lives of individuals and groups in our society.
HPE promotes lifelong participation in physical activity through the development of motor skills and movement competence, health-related physical fitness and sport education.
Our aim is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and behaviours necessary for the pursuit of lifelong fun and involvement in physical activity for their health and wellbeing.
- Indoor Sports Centre
- Weights room
- Tennis Courts
- Sports Ovals
- Mentone Beach
Years 7 and 8
The focus in these years is primarily upon the Movement and Physical Activity dimension of the Victorian Curriculum. Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of individual and team-based sports including:
- Athletics
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Cricket
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Table Tennis
- Baseball
- Hockey
- Volleyball
- Netball
- Fitness assessment
Emphasis is placed on combining motor skills and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performance. Students progress from the learning of basic skills to complex movement patterns that form part of team games. The Personal, Social and Community Health dimension covers topics such as:
- Respectful relationships
- Building resilience
- Health and lifestyle
- Emerging issues in drug and alcohol education
- Bullying
- Road safety
Years 9 and 10
Although HPE is an elective, students must include HPE units in their subject selection. The more practical options include:
- Racquet and bat sports (such as tennis, table tennis, badminton, cricket, golf, hockey and lacrosse)
- Ball sports (such as Australian rules football, soccer, touch, Gaelic, gridiron, volleyball, European handball and netball)
- Fitness and training which incorporates knowledge of the skeletal and muscular systems, components of fitness, fitness testing, training principles and methods. Students develop and participate in individualised training programs.
- Sports skills and strategies which gives students an opportunity to investigate the strategies and tactics used in elite performance, games sense and biomechanics.
- Science of sports which gives students an opportunity to investigate the areas of anatomy, physiology and sports nutrition. This subject is predominantly theory based, as a lead in to VCE Physical Education.
The Health Education unit which is more theoretically based can also be chosen at Years 9 and 10. Units include:
- Health across the lifespan
- Risk taking and expressing independence
- Developing personal identity
- Mental health issues
- Drug and alcohol education
- Sexual health
- Road safety
The Outdoor Recreation unit examines the ways in which humans understand and relate to nature. It develops an understanding of nature through practical experiences and investigation of outdoor environments.
Units include:
- Snorkelling
- Stand-up paddleboarding
- Indoor rock climbing
- Canoeing
- Cable boarding
- High ropes courses
- Cycling
VCE Studies in Health and Physical Education
St Bede’s College offers VCE studies in:
- Physical Education (Units 1 to 4)
- Health and Human Development (Units 1 to 4)
- Outdoor and Environmental Studies (Units 1 to 4)
VCE Physical Education examines the biological, physiological, psychological, social and cultural influences on performance and participation in physical activity. This VCE study is suitable for students with a wide range of aspirations, including those who wish to pursue further formal study at tertiary level or in vocational education and training settings. The study prepares students for such fields as the health sciences, exercise science and education, as well as providing valuable knowledge and skills for participating in their own sporting and physical activity pursuits to develop as critical practitioners and lifelong learners.
VCE Health and Human Development students investigate health and human development in local, Australian and global communities.
Health is a dynamic condition that is influenced by complex interrelationships between individuals and biomedical and behavioural factors, as well as physical and social environments. These interrelationships are reflected in a social view of health that sees health as being created in the settings where people live and work. This social view of health recognises the need for personal skills development, the importance of empowering communities to take action to promote health, the creation of social and physical environments that are supportive of health and development, an awareness of the impact on health of public policies and the need for health services to be oriented towards health promotion and the prevention of ill health.
VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies is concerned with the ways humans interact with and relate to outdoor environments. In this study both passive and active outdoor activities provide the means for students to develop experiential knowledge of outdoor environments. Such knowledge is then enhanced through the theoretical study of outdoor environments from perspectives of environmental history, ecology and the social studies of human relationships with nature

“This has been a great subject, filled with opportunities. Mr. Brown and Mr. Martyn’s carefully crafted approach to the course has ensured a combination of both practical activity, as well as academic growth.
We have been given the opportunity to learn the PE content to a high level in the classroom, and then solidify this knowledge through practical exposure. We took part in an awesome incursion to apply our knowledge to understand physiologically what occurred during a Wingate Anaerobic Test and a VO2 Maximum Cycling Test, and more specifically, the energy system contribution within it.
To complement this, we completed a fitness testing battery and attended an excellent lecture by that gave us an overview of what we had learnt in class, plus ways to ensure we get full marks in our end of year exam.
PE has allowed us to invest our passion for sport in a theoretical and practical context, and delivered in a way that ensures success in VCE PE.”
Josh M. – Year 12